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Training New Leaders

There are many things you will need to teach the Pastors,  who will run the Bible School. When you do the training here are some things to include so they understand about running our Bible School.
1. The Bible School takes one year to go through all the material, Discipleship Course first, then the Evangelist Course, then the Derek Prince Book.

2.  Certificates issued after all the material has been gone through. Each student will need to give the Pastor enough money so he can print the certificates for them.

3. We need to know the date each Pastor starts his school and how many students start in the School, they can email us with this information.

4. Once the school has commenced then no more students can be added. This is because any new students will not have gone through all the material, they will have missed some and they will not be entitled to a certificate. So we suggest that any one wanting to join the Bible School after it has commenced, that they be asked to wait one year until the next Bible School commences.

5. The students must pass all the tests as they go through the course to be able to get a certificate. The pastor can go over the material again until the student can answer the test correctly.

6. Once a month, the Pastor and the students go out on outreach to pray for the sick in the community and to share the Gospel. This is the practical aspect of our Bible School. To train evangelists.

7. The new Christians that will join the church as a result of the outreaches, will need to be discipled by using the Self Study course in the back of the Derek Prince book. Pages 264 to 431.

8.To help the students get a New Testament please share about each students bringing enough money weekly so that New Testaments can be  bought weekly for some students until all have their own  Scripture.

9.Widows Training  The 'bring some money each week' idea can also be used for the widows to help them get their tools to share for doing the gardening. If the widows can bring the suggested amount to their group once a week, then tools can be brought , then New Testaments for each widow. It is important to train widows in composting and double digging in a group and then they can share tools purchased from the monies they bring. One spade per 10 widows is sufficient for sharing. It is good for the widows to have their own Bible School, run by a woman, then Muslim widows can attend.

10. You will need to share about Moringa and Artemisia with the Pastors and how these two trees leaves are good for health. It would be good to give them the notes on these two trees that you received (also on the link just given)

11.Teach about composting and double digging. How to do this. Show them how to make composts by taking them to your gardens and allowing them to make one and do the double digging.

12. Allow the Pastors to sit in on one of your lessons so they can see how you are running your class. If you do this in the morning then you can teach gardening in the afternoon.
So there is much to do if you are wanting to do this training properly. There are a lot of things for you to prepare for, to do the training.
It may be good to print this sheet out so you can go through each point with the Pastors.
May The Lord Help You As you Prepare to Teach and Train the  Pastors!

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