We all live in a more modern and rushed environment  than ever before and need to use a more modern technology to keep up with the pace.

We all have mobile phones and Internet. We need to use these to help us get our job done.

God is omnipresent which means He is everywhere at once. This means He can pour our His presence, heal the sick or deliver the oppressed as easily over a mobile phone, Skype or email as if you visited the person or town. This means we can evangelise, do crusades, speak on radios or teach in our Bible Schools without having to travel there and God will do the rest.

Can you imagine what you can save in travel, time and money in doing your work this way?
Can you imagine how much more you can do in a day by doing your work this way?


1) Make sure you have the phone number of every leader you work with of each town or village.
2) If a leader does not have a mobile phone, make sure he gets a basic mobile phone.
3) Allow your leader to organise the crusade, church meeting or teaching session and give you the subject you need to teach or preach, length of talk and time you need to phone them.
4) Your leader may need to repeat your words to the audience that they may hear you clearly.
5) After the message, lead them through the salvation prayer and pray for the sick.
6) Allow time for the healed people to give their testimonies.
7) Complete your message by giving all the glory to JESUS and getting the people to thank the Lord for what He has done with you on the phone.
8) Tell the new converts to get baptised with water, pray daily, read their Bibles, join a church and share their new found faith with others.

If you plan this out well you will find yourself reaching out far and wide and accomplishing far more for the Lord than you have ever thought possible.

This method is used by the director of "Step Out In Faith Ministries" and has increased the work massively. We now wish to multiply this method many times over, to all our leaders world wide to get the Gospel out as far as possible before the Great Return of our Lord and Saviour.

God bless all of you,
Suzanne Pillans.DMin.

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